Spinal Cord Injury Ontario

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User Response

01/14/2021  Ritu Sharma ri.sharma@mail.utoronto.ca
11/15/2019  info
11/15/2019  info
07/25/2022  katherine.chan@uhn.ca
09/16/2021  katherine.chan@uhn.ca
02/28/2022  Kristin.Musselman@uhn.ca
11/20/2019  Dr. Swati Mehta swati.mehta@sjhc.london.on.ca
07/27/2020  test
07/21/2020  Dr Zina Atkinson
07/15/2020  test
12/07/2023  User Provided No Response
11/21/2019  Please contact the Study Coordinator, Lesley, by telephone 647 601 4519 or email wiresearch@utsc.utoronto.ca
12/11/2020  If you have any questions about this study, please contact Dorothy Kessler at 613-533-6551 or dk75@queensu.ca If you wish to participate in the survey by phone, please call the research assistant Libby Alexander at 613-840-5629
01/04/2021  joy.mcleod@carleton.ca
01/20/2021  Dr. Meredith Rocchi Department of Communication University of Ottawa
11/20/2020  Dr. David Allison at scicannabisstudy@gmail.com
08/03/2021  To enrol contact: Meagan Wiederman m.wiederman@queensu.ca 519-404-2680 Contact the supervisor: Karen Smith, MD smithk2@providencecare.ca
07/07/2021  phone: 416-425-6220 x 3260 email: nhashemi@hollandbloorview.ca
09/22/2021  dorothy.luong@uhn.ca
11/22/2021  Study Coordinator: David Houston (416-597-3422 ext. 6539)
11/24/2022  Cassie Liviero - cs711882@dal.ca
01/31/2022  rehabEDIstudy@utoronto.ca
04/21/2023  Kristin Musselman: kristin.musselman@utoronto.ca
03/07/2022  To receive a paper copy of the survey or the link emailed to you, email Urian D'Silva at mendoey@student.ubc.ca.
12/14/2022  Women who are interested in learning more/ participating in the study can email the researcher (Merna Seliman) on mseliman@uwo.ca
02/04/2023  If you have any questions, concerns or would like to speak to the study team for any reason, please contact: Dr. Kristin Musselman PT, PhD Tel: 416-597-3422 x 6190 Email: kristin.musselman@utoronto.ca
02/14/2023  Vjura Senthilnathan Email Address: vjura.senthilnathan@uhn.ca
05/21/2023  Katherine Chan Email: katherine.chan@uhn.ca Phone Number: 416-597-3422 x6199
06/13/2023  Sydney Valentino valens@mcmaster.ca 6472993559
06/23/2023  caregiving.study@utoronto.ca
10/13/2023  Priya Thandrasisla, Research Assistant at Parkwood Institute Priya.thandrasisla@sjhc.london.on.ca 519-646-6100 x 42739
10/26/2023  Dominique Pilon : dominique.pilon@mail.utoronto.ca; Ateeya Manzoor: ateeya.manzoor@mail.utoronto.ca